All dimensions Wiki

Today, i want to talk about Dimensions.

First of all, we consider a dimension as a multiple lower-level dimension repeated in itself.

So 1D = Repeated 0D, 2D = Repeated 1D, 3D = Repeated 2D, etc.

So we are going to continue that, but not just continue, but also define.

First, we have the first three dimensions: A line that is multiple points/dots/whatever, a square that is multiple lines, and a cube that is multiple squares. This will be Segment, Plane, and Space.

Then, how can we get a fourth dimension? We can't do it the geometrical way because duh, we can't imagine 4 geometrical dimensions, so, what can we use? Turns out, our universe is 3D, and each frame is 3D. So we can have multiple frames = timeline. So a timeline is a fourth dimension (4D).

For the fifth dimension, we have to use multiple timelines. But, how? Well, turns out, we can make a change in a frame of a timeline and it will create a totally different timeline. So we can join these timelines together, and have a fifth dimension, by changing the first frame by all possible first frames. This will be called Timesquare.

For the sixth dimension, we have to do multiple of that Timesquare. But how? We can edit the second frame (with all of the possible first frames) to get more combinations. This gives us a Timecube.

We enter a loop here. With this pattern, we can make a Timetesseract, a Timepenteract, etc.

I may continue this, but i won't, for now. Stay tuned.
