All dimensions Wiki

The -verse hierarchy is one of the most interesting things on this wiki, and so is User:Alejandro Magno's excellent extension of this down to the galaxy level.

But this got me thinking: how low can you go? I found an old hierarchy on my computer (us googolgeometrists think alike), dusted it off, polished it, and found out that the answer is this low, apparently:

  • [various parallel universes go here]
  • A universe contains multiple filaments
  • A filament contains multiple superclusters
  • A supercluster contains multiple clusters
  • A cluster contains multiple galaxies
  • galaxy contains multiple spiral arms
  • spiral arm contains multiple stellar belts
  • stellar belt contains multiple stellar bubbles
  • stellar bubble contains multiple stellar clouds
  • A stellar cloud contains multiple solar systems
  • solar system contains multiple planets
  • planet contains multiple continents
  • continent contains multiple states
  • state contains multiple cities
  • city contains multiple neighbourhoods
  • neighbourhood contains multiple houses
  • house contains multiple people
  • person contains multiple organ systems
  • An organ system contains multiple organs
  • An organ contains multiple tissues
  • tissue contains multiple cells
  • biological cell contains multiple organelles
  • An organelle contains multiple biomolecular complexes
  • A biomolecular complex contains multiple macromolecules
  • macromolecule contains multiple molecules
  • molecule contains multiple atoms
  • An atom contains multiple hadrons
  • A hadron contains multiple fermions
  • A fermion is fundamental; it contains no smaller structures

I guess you could make it cyclic if you want (fermions containing multiple -verses or something), but that's not really my cup of tea. This was originally a comment on User:Alejandro Magno's blog post, but I decided that it warranted its own.

So, what do you think?

Update: The hierarchy has been revised using new information found at Wikipedia's page on biological organisation.

Update: Various touchings-up.

Update: Made the subatomic particles more generic. Nucleon → Hadron; Quark → Fermion.

Update: Made everything into links and stopped the hierarchy at fermion.
