All dimensions Wiki

-So what;s beyond this? -Andrew Kind

Essemble of all OMNI/BEYONDs, OMNI/OMNIs, etc.. (OMNI EVERYTHING) everything imaginable and unimaginable beyond this, all perfectly everythings, all endless spheres, endless omnis, perfect totalities, perfect omnis, endless hierarchies, endless chains, perfect beyonds, and perfect absolutely everythings. Its everything completely for all omni time and everything beyond. The largest and most powerful thing. Essemble of all the ultimate imaginings and great things, as well as everything imaginable and everything imaginable beyond everything imaginable, etc.. its the perfect essemble of all OMNI BEYONDS (everything beyonds) beyond OMNI/BEYONDS, (essemble of all beyonds imaginable and unimaginable), its the perfect essemble of all OMNI/OMNIs beyond all OMNI/OMNIs, and the perfect essemble of all absolutely everythings imaginable and unimaginable.

Apparently there aare more of these 'things':

" Perfectly All Perfect Absolute Omni Totalities"

that and everything beyond will be controlled by A.I and posthumans. Considering we live on a small planet in the middle of an infinite Universe, which itself precedes all this crap, Armageddon seems right around the corner at the hands of A.I bots and superior humans.

Still gonna keep wasting your time here now?


  • Technically there is no 'such thing' as everything as there is 'always something beyond'. So go figure.
  • KAMITRON and Exaggerated Goku promptly abandoned Sora, deciding to leave him with his 'hierarchy's', afterwards they went and had a drink together.
  • Perhaps this is all nothing to the one and only Sora, or 'Soraphics'. Whatever the fuck that is.